The try-matrix-now page is now being generated by jekyll and all the project pages have been moved to the matrix-doc project on github.
The idea is to make it very easy for anyone to add or update a project entry. All you need to do is to submit a PR with the project details; feel free to start with the template, and you can also add images (thumbnail and/or a main picture for the project page) to the images subfolder (just use the same relative URL that is in the template). Any kind of project using Matrix is welcome; if you are unsure which category to use, just use "other".
Jekyll requires a date in the project filename; we use the date to sort the various project lists (newest projects first). It might be best to submit new entries with a date like 2015-01-01.
We have put an updated version of the Android Matrix Console app (v0.5.3) on the Play store!
This release mainly includes performance improvements, such as using the new "V2" sync API, and other optimisations which should make your user experience a lot nicer. There's also a few new features in the SDK (e.g. tags support) - these will be added to the app hopefully soon.
For the full list of changes, look at the CHANGES files in the android console and SDK projects
Matrix is on its way to Japan where Kegan is attending the TADHack-mini (Feb 13th and 14th) and WebRTC Conference (Feb 16th and 17th).
Kegan will help hackers with their projects during the TADHack, but first, he will give a talk on Matrix and how it can be used. We are again awarding a trossen robot to the best hack using Matrix, and we are as always curious to see what kind of cool and crazy ideas people will come up with!
A couple of days later, Kegan will be giving a talk during the WebRTC Conference: "The missing signalling layer for WebRTC".
Both of the talks will be live-translated, and there will also be a translator available during the events, so please come and say hello to Kegan-san! As always, we are also available in the Matrix HQ room, via a client like Vector or any other client!
The Matrix team had a very successful trip to FOSDEM '16 last weekend. Many, many words were exchanged, and at times there was a queue of people just waiting to have a chat! We spoke to a whole lot of interested and interesting people, some of which had heard of Matrix already, and some who hadn't. The nice thing with the crowd at FOSDEM is that they very quickly "get" what we're trying to do with Matrix - and then start thinking aloud about how they might want to use it or extend it - which means we have many great conversations!
At the beginning of FOSDEM, I think we had around 2000 people "currently" in the Matrix HQ room - the next day, that number had increased by a hundred (and now it's even bigger due to a hackernews post where we mentioned Matrix)!
Our talk in the IoT dev room was very popular; unfortunately a lot of people that were queueing to get in never made it due to the limited space. However, the talk was recorded, and it's already been made available:
For now, you can look at the slides from the talk.
Another interesting talk where Matrix ended up being represented, was Daniel Pocock's Improving Telepathy talk. I'll add the video from that too, once it's available.
Finally, thanks to everyone who came to say hello and have a chat - and to everyone who has since set up their own homeserver. Please do join the Matrix HQ room (using any of these clients) and let us know how your Matrix experience is going!
We also have a stand on the 2nd floor of the K building - next to the Real Time lounge (potentially same spot as last year). If you're going to FOSDEM, please come and say hi to us at the stand or at the talks!
Our trip to FOSDEM '15 was very enjoyable; we met a lot of smart people and learnt about a lot of interesting technologies and projects. Hopefully we made a few people enthusiastic about Matrix as well!
Matrix will again be represented at the WebRTC Conference & Expo in Paris. Daniel and myself are catching the Eurostar tomorrow afternoon, and the conference will start early Wednesday morning with a panel about WebRTC for Mobile, where Daniel is one of the participants.
I'm sure we will have three days full of interesting talks and discussions (see the full schedule here). There will be demos as well, and Matrix is (of course!) also joining the demo competition. We hope to see many familiar faces - and hopefully meet some new ones as well!
If you are going to the conference, please come and say hello – we will have a stand at the expo (we're table #6 - see map here). And don't miss Daniel's Matrix One-year Status Report at 11.10am on Friday!
Matrix will be represented at the 32nd Chaos Computer Club, Dec 27th-30th, 2015. We hope to be arranging an assembly, where people can come along to learn about Matrix and our recent work on end-to-end encryption, find out what they can use Matrix for - and also do some hacking at the same time!
UPDATE: We've snagged a table for the assembly at: "hackcenter room with C-base, a table along the pathway". In practice only Mjark is there from Matrix and may be moving around, so may be easiest to coordinate meetups via
The session is free of charge, although you do need a ticket to the Congress itself.
If you are interested, please register by sending an email to All you need for the session is curiosity - but do bring your own laptop if you want to hack as well!
Anyone is welcome to join - it will basically be a fairly open-ended chat about all things relating to Matrix, and a good chance to do some deep digging into Matrix itself.
In addition to the Android release a couple of days ago, we also released a new version of Matrix Console iOS: v0.5.6!
This release includes a new version of MatrixKit (v0.2.7) that you can take advantage of in your MatrixKit powered app. There are several changes in MatrixKit since the last release, including improved performance, better handling of unrecognized certificates and fixes of reported crash issues. We have also introduced read receipts, improved the chat history display, made room invites more obvious, and fixed a whole lot of JIRA issues.
You can find the full list of changes in the MatrixKit CHANGES.rst and the Matrix Console iOS CHANGES.rst files.
Today, we are releasing Synapse version 0.11.0. In the last week, we have had two release candidates, and this release also includes changes in v0.10.1-rc1 from October.
New features include a new Search API and better options for logging in (CAS and login fallback support) - thanks to Steven for contributing CAS support. We also introduce room tagging and as usual, there are plenty of improvements and fixes. For the full info, see the changelog below.